Inoculation and the Boss Campaign: Organizer Training Part 5
Now that you’ve gone public with your demands, the boss is going to respond. It’s time for inoculation. Here’s what to expect and how to prepare.
Now that you’ve gone public with your demands, the boss is going to respond. It’s time for inoculation. Here’s what to expect and how to prepare.
Coworkers ready to fight the boss? It’s time for escalation! Learn how to take public action in part 4 of EWOC’s organizer training series.
Your co-workers are the key to building power at work. A strong organizing conversation can build trust along with your power.
Who in your workplace is ready to join the fight for a union? By mapping and charting your shop, you’ll know just who’s on your side.
You can’t do it alone. Identifying leaders helps build power and solidarity among your co-workers in your fight for a union.