EWOC offers these resources to help you organize your workplace and help other workers do the same. Every worker deserves a union, and these printable and online resources can help.
"Unite & Win: The Workplace Organizing Handbook" is a guide to all of the key concepts we cover in our training series. It’s not a standalone manual, but it’s a useful handbook for you and your co-workers to learn how to start organizing at your workplace.
For most low-wage workers without significant savings, quitting may not be an option. These five steps can help you and your coworkers find a solution to your problems at work and win real, lasting improvements that allow you and your co-workers to flourish in your jobs (PDF).
This trifold brochure explains the EWOC model: what we've won, how we sustain our work, and how we put workers first in our organizing drives (PDF).
These flyers are suitable for canvassing, tabling, or passing out to your friends, family, and co-workers outside the workplace.
When your boss calls a captive-audience meeting, be ready with your co-workers for all their talking points (PDF).
Most workers don’t know that there’s a kind of unionism outside of the traditional model that workers in more difficult workplaces have been using for decades to build the labor movement. We call this model “pre-majority unionism,” and we’ve dedicated a whole section of the website to it.
These business card–sized cards are designed to fit in any standard wallet and designed to be printed in color. They're perfect for handing out to anyone who is interested in organizing their workplace but doesn't know where to start.
These cards are also sized to fit in a wallet and are designed to be printed in color or black and white. They include a simple message: Workers deserve more and EWOC can help.
This 2.5" x 2.5" sticker is perfect for your laptop, notebook, and any other place you want to get a conversation started about workplace organizing (PDF).
This round sticker is a not-so-subtle way to signal to your co-workers that the solution is to get organized (PDF).
EWOC's six-part training series will take you from a new workplace organizer to a powerful force for your coworkers. We’ll guide you through everything you need to know, including how to connect with your coworkers, determining your demands, and what to expect from your boss when they push back.
Workers are fighting for and winning personal protective equipment (PPE), additional sick leave, hazard pay, and even forcing their employers to temporarily shut down until it’s safe to return. See these steps for organizing your workplace and talk with an organizer about making a plan.
Petitions are your opportunity to present your narrative, demands, and a demonstration of the power you can bring to bear in your campaign in the form of signatures. Learn the dos and don'ts of gathering signatures and get some sample petitions to get started.
Historian Gabriel Winant writes how EWOC has been able to support worker organizing in ways that unions often have not, and shares his experience volunteering as an EWOC organizer. Food-service worker Teagan Harris also recounts how Gabe, as a volunteer, assisted her and her coworkers in winning demands from management at their workplace in Chicago (PDF).
Eric Dirnbach explains how EWOC has been able to assist thousands of workers over the last two years that might not have gotten any help otherwise and how this valuable service provides a basic level of solidarity for all workers that is really needed in the labor movement (PDF).