Archived Updates

A life of dignity

A growing movement of peace activists, labor unions, and ordinary people around the world have been gathering at protests and marches.

Labor Unions Calling for a Ceasefire

Palestinian trade unions are calling on international trade unions to stand in solidarity and refuse to allow our labor to support genocide in Gaza.

Tech Labor Conference in NYC

This year’s Labor Day seemed to mark the end of a truly historic summer of labor activity in what the New York Times calls “A Summer of Strikes.” At EWOC, we believe it’s just the beginning!   A new ruling by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) could be a game-changer

Puget Sound Troublemakers School

Building a strong majority

Upcoming Events 🗓 EWOC Foundational Training Join the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee’s Foundational Training Series, every Saturday Sept. 9–30 at 1 p.m. ET (10 a.m. PT). In four 90-minute, weekly sessions, you will learn how to approach co-workers, build a team of organizers among them, and develop a campaign. You

Escalate Your Campaign

Workers know their working conditions best. They are in the best position to plan their own actions and campaign with input as necessary.

stay in the loop with weekly updates​

The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee newsletter includes the latest news on our organizing efforts, resources to organize your workplace, and updates on upcoming events.