
Labor in Transition

EWOC is growing its training programs, network among labor organizers, and campaigns. Join us!

EWOC volunteers at Labor Notes 2024

A Hotter Labor Summer

Temperatures across the globe are rising, and workers are on the frontlines, but we’re meeting the moment to fight back and win a cooler future.

A collective bargain

Organizing for Labor Notes 2024, remembering Jane McAlevey, and how you can join the fight

Unite & Win: The Workplace Organizer's Handbook

The power of cross-union solidarity

Since their historic Stand Up Strike and momentous wins last summer, organizers at UAW have been moving at a rapid rate in their expansion campaign.

United and Winning

We’re excited to announce the upcoming release of our brand new guide, “Unite and Win: the Workplace Organizer’s Handbook.”

Shawn Fain of the UAW talks with Volkswagen workers

Labor Stacks Up More Wins

From EWOC to UAW, workers are fighting back and winning. Check out this snapshot of recent worker wins and how you can win at work too.

Workers marching on the boss

The power is in our hands

We have the power to protest for peace and fight for a better world when we lift each other up.

A life of dignity

A growing movement of peace activists, labor unions, and ordinary people around the world have been gathering at protests and marches.

Labor Unions Calling for a Ceasefire

Palestinian trade unions are calling on international trade unions to stand in solidarity and refuse to allow our labor to support genocide in Gaza.

Tech Labor Conference in NYC

This year’s Labor Day seemed to mark the end of a truly historic summer of labor activity in what the New York Times calls “A

Recent posts
The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee newsletter includes the latest news on our organizing efforts, resources to organize your workplace, and updates on upcoming events.