
Puget Sound Troublemakers School

Building a strong majority

Upcoming Events 🗓 EWOC Foundational Training Join the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee’s Foundational Training Series, every Saturday Sept. 9–30 at 1 p.m. ET (10 a.m.

Remote Workplace Organizer Training

Five workers who organized their remote workplaces speak to their experiences and answer your biggest questions about remote organizing. For more in depth discussion of

Escalate Your Campaign

Workers know their working conditions best. They are in the best position to plan their own actions and campaign with input as necessary.

Two workers having a conversation on the job

How do I escalate my campaign?

Focus primarily on issues that come up in conversations with many co-workers across different jobs and titles and that have measurable solutions.

Reflections on Organizing with 9to5

Debra Bergen reflects on her time with the working women’s organization 9to5 and its similarities to EWOC’s approach to organizing

Solidarity this May Day

For International Workers Day, let’s celebrate our side’s recent wins — and, most importantly, let’s prepare for the big battles that lie ahead.