
Labor in Transition

EWOC is growing its training programs, network among labor organizers, and campaigns. Join us!

What are the benefits of being in a union?

So you have a supervisor who only communicates by screaming at you? Your work schedule is unpredictable—some days are cancelled, some days are scheduled at

Adorable dog lying on floor with muzzle on knees of anonymous owner

A PAW in #PAWlidarity

We formed the Austin Pets Allied Workers union to fight for the right to better treatment for ourselves, our co-workers, and the pets that we care for.

EWOC volunteers at Labor Notes 2024

A Hotter Labor Summer

Temperatures across the globe are rising, and workers are on the frontlines, but we’re meeting the moment to fight back and win a cooler future.

Brown Wooden Gavel on Brown Wooden Table

Labor Law as a Shield

It can be a mistake to treat organizing as a fundamentally legal struggle. Here’s how to use labor law as a smart organizer.