Workers meeting in a coffee shop to make a plan
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What Is Inoculation and Why Do We Do It? 

Once you’ve decided you’re ready to go public with your workplace organizing campaign, it’s crucial to prepare your co-workers ahead of time for what management will do. This process of “inoculation” undercuts the power of the bosses’ threats and messaging when they arrive — and your co-workers will have more confidence in you and the union when they see that your predictions have come true.

Most anti-union campaigns follow a similar set of tactics. A highly paid union-buster will train management in anti-union arguments such as 

  • “The union is a third party. We won’t be able to talk directly. We’re a family!” 
  • “Give us another chance, we’re listening.” 
  • “Make sure to be informed. Listen to both sides and make your own decisions.” 
  • “The union can’t guarantee you anything. You won’t necessarily get the benefits you want or higher wages.” 
  • “The union just wants your dues money.”

Who do you inoculate and when?

Union-busting is primarily aimed at undecided workers, but we must prepare everyone for the boss campaign. Consider any individual vulnerabilities: a sick family member, attendance issues, or strong desire for advancement, in case the boss uses these on people. If workers know what’s coming, they will recognize it for what it is. Don’t let the bosses divide workers by language, race, department, or other arbitrary means. They will try. Instead, stress equality, justice, and fairness.

How do we win?

In order to win throughout this ordeal, we have to keep talking about the issues that matter to workers and the organizing goals workers have set, such as wage increases, fair work schedules, fair treatment, and democracy in the workplace. The union is the workers, and that is what the boss wants you to forget.

Plan activities throughout to keep workers involved: rallies, cookouts, buttons, t-shirts, “We’re Voting Yes” petitions. We use solidarity to combat fear, division, confusion, and hopelessness. By emphasizing transparency and democracy, workers can effectively disarm the argument that the union is something outside or above the workers.

If our campaign is full of hope and solidarity, it will help workers overcome the fear the union-buster spreads. United we win!

Talk with an Organizer

An EWOC organizer is ready to help you and your co-workers get the benefits and respect you deserve.

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