We’re up against tall odds. We need you!

Upcoming Events 🗓

We’ve had a big year! Join us for our end-of-year general meeting, December 15 at 8 p.m. ET, as we discuss our organizing in 2021 and what’s coming up in 2022. We will also be having breakout discussions. This will be a great opportunity to learn about what we’ve accomplished, and to meet other EWOC volunteers. Register today!

Our end-of-the-year fundraiser is in full swing. We’ve set the goal at $20,000. Every little amount goes a long way in ensuring EWOC is prepared to build greater collective power in 2022. Chip in to build it with us!

There’s been a lot of talk about how public approval of unions is at a historic high right now. That’s because union members have higher incomes, better health benefits, and safer working conditions. Yet the percentage of workers protected by a union is still exceedingly low. That’s because the odds are stacked high against workers. Unions need to aim to make a broad impact, not narrow. And that starts with building worker power anywhere and everywhere.

That’s where EWOC comes in, and why EWOC’s focus — connecting workers from all sectors with volunteer organizers and resources to make real, long-lasting change at the workplace — is critical during this big wave of pro-union sentiment. EWOC’s how-to materials, six-week organizing training, blogs, and political education events are created to support and connect everyday workers, regardless of how small or large a shop, to the collective fight for better wages, safety on the job, and all else.

Ultimately, a huge reason why EWOC is unique is that everyone across the labor movement can get involved, whether you’ve successfully organized a workplace, are thinking about it, or just looking for ways to think and learn about the labor movement. All you have to do is sign-up. To do this, we need to ensure EWOC continues to be a bottom-up, volunteer-run, grassroots project, and to do so we need your help.

2021 was a huge year for worker strikes and success, setting huge precedents for the future of worker organizing. Make sure EWOC is prepared. Donate to our end of the year fundraiser.

We’ve set a $20k goal. Can you help us reach it?

World of Work 🌍

NY: Columbia graduate student workers have been on strike for five weeks, demanding living wages and better health coverage. Last Thursday, the University threatened them with permanent replacement if they do not return to work. The striking workers have filed an unfair labor practice in response to the threat, and are planning to escalate their picketing, beginning with a walkout and rally today. You can support them in their fight by donating to the strike fund.

USA: Union workers at Kellogg’s plants across four states are currently voting on a tentative agreement to end their two-month long strike. If ratified, the deal would include an accelerated path to benefits for transitional employees, and wage increases for all. Workers are determined to continue picketing in the event of a no vote.



Talk with an Organizer

An EWOC organizer is ready to help you and your co-workers get the benefits and respect you deserve.

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Scabby the rat
What is a scab?

A scab is traditionally a union member who crosses the picket line to return to work, while others remain on strike.

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