We’re celebrating 16 months of helping workers organize! 662 total campaigns, 2,747 workers contacted, 1,184 total volunteers, 245 graduated trainees, and 120 eligible mentees.
Since last year, we’ve been able to help hundreds of workers fight and win demands in their workplaces. Some things are certain as we move forward: we’re going to keep supporting workplace campaigns, building durable worker organizations, and growing rank-and-file militancy. In the spirit of “Big Bill” Haywood, “If the workers are organized, all they have to do is put their hands in their pockets and they have got the capitalist class whipped.”
We need your help to continue this work! Consider joining a volunteer team with EWOC — we’ve got a little something for everyone.
Some teams actively seeking help are:
- Text Team, which keeps workers, trainees and volunteers updated on what’s going on
- Digital Team, which runs EWOC’s social media accounts
- Media Team, which produces the EWOC blog and helps organizing workers get news coverage. They also put out the newsletter every week! If you are interested in joining a team or getting more involved, please fill out this form.
- Fundraising Team works to raise the money EWOC needs to continue our mission, and the Internal Organizing Team trains and connects worker leaders to build a stronger network of workers and organizers. We have special forms to join these teams, so if you would like to help with fundraising, please apply here, and if you would like to help with internal organizing, apply here.
If you have something else on your mind, our inbox is always open. Email us! And thank you to all those who have joined us in fighting for worker’s rights and building solidarity.