Upcoming Events 🗓
Getting a First Contract with Jane McAlevey
Join us this coming Tuesday, July 11, at 8:30 p.m. ET (5:30 p.m. PT)!
Thousands of workers across the country have been making incredible strides towards better working conditions and dignity on the job by organizing and winning union representation at their workplace.
But once they have a union, many workers are learning that the path to a collective bargaining agreement with their employer is a hard one.
Winning that contract that guarantees the very conditions they’re fighting for is an uphill battle filled with all the same union-busting techniques. In high-turnover workplaces, this can be especially challenging to overcome. The need to organize becomes all the more pressing. So how do you win that first contract? How do you organize democratic negotiations? What does it take to build a strong union at the workplace that can fight for strong contracts?
Join us for an important event with EWOC organizer Abby Lawlor in conversation with Jane McAlevey on winning that first contract, Tuesday, July 11, at 8:30 p.m. ET (5:30 p.m. PT). Sign up TODAY!
We’ll be offering their recently published book “Rules To Win By” at a generous discount during the event!
A First Ever Spanish-English Bilingual Foundational Training
There’s no better way to kick off the summer than to learn to organize your workplace or help others do the same for theirs!
Join the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee’s Foundational Training Series, Mondays starting on July 10 until July 31 at 9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT). This series will start later than usual so we can accommodate West Coast workers!
And we’re super happy to announce that this will be our first ever Spanish-English bilingual training. So please share the message below with folks whose preferred language is Spanish!
If you want to organize your workplace but you don’t know where to start, this training is for you. Learn how to approach your co-workers, build a team of organizers among them, and develop a campaign. You will meet other workers who are organizing and learn helpful tools, practices, and principles for winning workplace improvements and getting a democratic voice over your working conditions.
In four 90-minute weekly sessions, we will discuss how workers can unite to address issues at their workplace and how to begin the process of unionization. Participants will practice connecting with co-workers and engaging in collective decision-making around common concerns. You will learn how to prepare yourself and your co-workers to take collective action. Finally, you will learn how to build, from scratch, a democratic organization with your co-workers that can negotiate with the boss over your working conditions.
Space is limited to 200 participants, so sign up now! Register today.
If you’d like to suggest a certain time that works for you for a future training you can email [email protected], and we will do our best to accommodate! You’re also welcome to send any other questions you have to the same email address.
Capacitación Fundamental, ahora en español
No hay mejor manera de arrancar el verano que aprender a organizar tu lugar de trabajo, o apoyar a los demás con los suyos.
Participa en el Serie de Capacitación Fundamental del Comité para la Organización Laboral de Emergencia (EWOC), los Lunes desde el 10 julio hasta 31 julio a las 9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT). Esta serie inicia más tarde de lo normal para que los trabajadores en la Costa Oeste puedan participar!
¡y ahora por la primera vez puede participar en español!
Si quieres organizar tu lugar de trabajo pero no sabes por dónde empezar, esta capacitación es para ti. Aprender cómo acercar a tus compañeros de trabajo, juntar un equipo de organizadores entre ellos y desarrollar una campaña organizadora. Vas a conocer a otros trabajadores quienes están organizando, aprender herramientas, prácticas y principios útiles para lograr mejoras en el lugar de trabajo y conseguir una voz democrática sobre las condiciones laborales.
En cuatro sesiones de 90 minutos, hablamos de cómo los trabajadores pueden unirse para abordar diferentes temas en el lugar de trabajo, y como se inicia el proceso de sindicalización. Los participantes van a practicar como se acerca a los compañeros de trabajo, y como se toma las decisiones de manera colectiva en torno a los intereses comunes. Aprenderás cómo prepararte a ti y a los compañeros de trabajo para emprender acciones colectivas. Finalmente, aprenderás cómo construir, desde el inicio, una organización democrática entre tus compañeros de trabajo para negociar las condiciones laborales con tu jefe.
El espacio está limitado a 200 personas – ¡Inscríbete ya! Registrate aquí.
Si quieres proponer un horario que te convendría para una capacitación futura, manda un email a [email protected] y intentaremos cumplir con tu propuesta! También puedes mandar cualquier otra pregunta a esta misma dirección de correo electrónico.
Last chance for early bird registration, TODAY
Labor Day Weekend, Socialism Conference 2023
In a moment of political uncertainty, the Socialism Conference — September 1–4, in Chicago — will be a vital gathering space for today’s Left. Join thousands of organizers, activists, abolitionists, and socialists in this four-day conference featuring dozens of panels and workshops organized by groups from all over the country. New and returning participants learn from each other and from history, assess ongoing struggles, build community, and experience the energy of in-person gatherings.
EWOC will be hosting a workplace organizer’s training at this year’s conference and a panel discussion between some of our most experienced organizers and workers we’ve supported!
Register by today, July 7, for the early bird discounted rate! Registering today is the single best way you can help support, sustain, and expand the Socialism Conference.

In Case You Missed It…
Another exciting success for an EWOC campaign: Barboncino Pizzeria workers have filed for an election, affiliating with Workers United.
We had a remote organizing workshop where we interviewed workers from a variety of remote workplaces speaking to their organizing experiences and answering some big questions such as: How do I talk to someone I’ve never spoken to about organizing? How do I branch out of my team to other teams? How do I build relationships? What kind of collective action can we take online?
And … we hosted Adam Conover, of Netflix’s “The G Word” and TruTV’s “Adam Ruins Everything,” for a private conversation with our volunteers on the ongoing, stronger-than-ever, writers’ strike!

World of Work 🌍
California: In the latest win for labor, graduate student workers at Stanford University vote overwhelmingly 1,639 to 38 in favor of unionizing.
California: Striking Amazon drivers walk off the job for the first time ever over pay and safety standards.
U.S.: Teamsters Local 396, who’ve been on strike already three weeks, extended their picket from the West Coast to the East Coast.
New York: Uber, DoorDash, and Grubhub apps have sued the city to block a new law that sets minimum wages for food-delivery workers. This law was hard-fought for by Los Deliveristas Unidos (Delivery Workers United) to create a pay floor near the minimum wage.
New York: A big win for United Farm Workers, bringing in 500 newly organized workers.
Kansas: More than 6,000 machinists strike an aircraft parts giant, threatening Boeing production.
U.S.: The Teamsters look ever closer to a strike as negotiations hit a wall.
U.S.: A National Labor Relations Board judge ruled against Starbucks, writing its cafe shutdown “was done in large part to discourage unionization efforts in Ithaca and elsewhere” and that Starbucks failed to prove that it would close cafes “absent its animus towards the pro-union employees who worked there.”
U.S.: 1,400 workers of UE Locals 506 and 618 are on strike for good green jobs. Check out UE’s exciting Green Locomotive Project and donate to the striking workers.

Organizing Tip of the Month
What is Inoculation and Why Do We Do It? from Terry Davis and James Skretta